April 26, 2024

Mandujano Suffers Terrible Ankle Sprain Disc Golfing


Ankle sprains are a common injury among athletes, and disc golfers are no exception. Ankle sprains are classified into three grades, with grade 1 being the least severe and grade 3 being the most severe. In this article, we will focus on the grade 3 ankle sprain and discuss the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery timeline of this injury, specifically in the context of Valerie Mandujano


What We Know About the Injury


Valerie Mandujano suffered a grade 3 ankle sprain, a tear of one or more ligaments in the ankle. The most injured ligament is the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), which connects the fibula to the ankle bone. This type of sprain occurs when the ankle is twisted or turned in an unnatural direction, causing the ligament to stretch or tear. This can happen during activities such as sports, physical fitness, or even walking on uneven surfaces. In Valerie’s case, the injury may have occurred during a throw or a misstep on the course. 


It is unclear whether the injury is to Valerie’s plant leg, which is the leg used to support the body’s weight during a throw. If the injury is to her plant leg, this could affect her ability to throw and may impact her recovery time. The plant leg is the leg that is used to support the body’s weight during a throw and is crucial for generating power and stability during the throw. Injuries to the plant leg may take longer to heal and may require more extensive physical therapy to regain strength and range of motion. 

Ankle Sprain

UPDATE: Since publication, Valerie Mandujano has done an interview with Johnny Disc Golf. In that interview she has stated that it was her left ankle, she felt and heard a pop, and was told to take it easy for the next four weeks. What had happened was she tripped on some rocks on a steep slope walking at a disc golf course. The injury occurred around the 6th of January.


Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain


Symptoms of a grade 3 ankle sprain include severe pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected ankle. The ankle may also appear deformed or “out of place.” In some cases, there may be a popping or snapping sound at the time of the injury.




Diagnosis of a grade 3 ankle sprain is typically made through a physical examination and imaging tests such as x-rays or MRIs. The physical examination will assess for pain, swelling, and range of motion in the ankle. Imaging tests will help to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other injuries, such as a fracture. 


Treatment of an Ankle Sprain


Treatment for a grade 3 ankle sprain typically includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) to reduce swelling and pain. Physical therapy is also an important aspect of treatment, as it helps to improve range of motion and strength in the affected ankle. In some cases, a brace or cast may be used to immobilize the ankle and allow the ligaments to heal. Surgery is usually not needed for grade 3 ankle sprains, but in rare cases, it may be recommended for severe or complex injuries. 


Recovery From an Ankle Sprain


The typical recovery timeline for a grade 3 ankle sprain varies depending on the severity of the injury and the individual’s overall health and physical condition. It takes about 6-12 weeks (about 3 months) for the ligaments to heal, but full recovery can take several months. Physical therapy may be required for an extended period of time to ensure full recovery. It is important for Valerie to follow a proper treatment plan and to work closely with her healthcare provider to ensure a complete recovery and a prompt return to the sport she loves. 


Grading Sprains


It is important to note that grade 1 sprains are considered mild injuries and typically only involve stretching or minor tearing of the ligaments. Symptoms may include mild pain, swelling and minimal loss of function. Grade 2 sprains are considered moderate injuries and involve partial tearing of the ligaments and may have more severe pain and swelling. Symptoms may also include moderate loss of function. 


In contrast, grade 3 sprains are considered severe injuries and involve a complete tear of the ligament. Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected ankle, as well as a possible deformation or “out of place” appearance of the ankle. Treatment for a grade 3 sprain often includes immobilization of the ankle, such as with a brace or cast, and may require longer periods of physical therapy for full recovery. 


It is important for individuals who have suffered a grade 3 ankle sprain, like Valerie, to seek medical attention and follow a proper treatment plan to ensure a complete recovery. In addition, it is also important to take preventative measures to reduce the risk of future ankle sprains such as warming up before activities, wearing proper shoes, and practicing proper technique during physical activities. 


In summary, a grade 3 ankle sprain is a severe injury that involves a complete tear of a ligament in the ankle. It is important to seek medical attention and follow a proper treatment plan for a complete recovery. To prevent future ankle sprains it is important to take preventative measures such as warming up before activities, wearing proper shoes, and practicing proper technique during physical activities. 


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